Act III+: Guybrush Kicks Unusually Large Butt

"Well, that seems to have shaved the proverbial Dingo."

Once you regain control of the Giant Robot, you need to reach the top of the conch shell. First, walk to the right and pick up the Large Plank. Now, use said plank with the large tower to the far right (the smallest one). Next, climb on top of that very tower and use the Plank to jump to the next tower. Guybrush pilots the Monkey automatically to the top then. Just pull on the Large Switch and you get to watch another, very very long, cutscene.

Finish Him
a.k.a. Flawless Victory

Hope you didn't burn your Monkey Kombat notes!

Once you regain control and are engaged in Ultimate Monkey Kombat, just match each of LeChuck's moves to cause a draw. Attacking will get you nowhere, but after drawing three times he'll be annoyed enough to break free of Ozzie's spell and end the menace. Congrats on completing the game!

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