Monkey Kombat

Basically, you need to challenge various monkies to Kombat. Your challenger will use a combination of three commands (Ack, Oop, Eek, and Chee) to swap between stances (Anxious Ape, Bobbing Babboon, Charging Chimp, Drunken Monkey, and Gimpy Gibbon). Each stance can defeat two other stances, and your goal is to learn the various commands to swap between stances as well as which is victorious over the others. You can try and lead the monkey to swap to a stance you know you need, but since there's more than one way to overcome a stance there's no guarantee that this will work. Just keep swapping to stances you know can win to achieve victory. If you swap to the same stance as your opponent, you will cause a draw and gain a couple health points back. After a draw, you both swap to random stances, so this can possibly be a way to learn some conversions.

Each time you win, you'll gain some extra bananas on your health meter. Keep gaining victories until you have two or three red bananas at the end of the health bar (and Guybrush announces he can probably take on the Monkey Prince). This will give you enough stamina to take on Jojo Jr, and you should have most, if not all, of the conversions by that point. To win against Jojo, just concentrate on attacking. Once you both get very low on health, Jojo Jr. will cause a draw and recover a tick of his health. But this still leaves him with less overall health than you, so stay on the offensive and you'll easily win the match.

The Conversions:


Anxious Ape

Bobbing Baboon

Charging Chimp

Drunken Monkey

Gimpy Gibbon

Anxious Ape







Bobbing Baboon







Charging Chimp







Drunken Monkey







Gimpy Gibbon







What Defeats What:

Anxious Ape



Bobbing Baboon


Charging Chimp


Drunken Monkey


Gimpy Gibbon

