Act III: Escape From Monkey Island

"Oh, the lava is hotter than a flame-broiled otter and my shoes are slowly melting to the fiberglass floor."

 Once Timmy (WHO?!?!?!?!) snaps Guybrush out of his depression and you regain control, head to the overview and make your way to the Campsite. There you see good old Herman Toothrot. Talk to him and you find out that he's lost his memory. He seems to remember a coconut, though. That's easy enough. Walk away from him a little to the overturned boat, and pick up the coconut. Now hit Herman with it. He regains a little more of his memory, but not a whole lot. He does seems to recall something about a milk bottle, however.

 The Milk Bottle is in the Lava Fields, however you should stop at the Vista Point on your way there. Once on top, pick up a bolder from the pile and toss it into the right canal. Pick another one up and hold it until the rolling bolder hits the branch, then throw it into the Middle Canal. Heft yet another boulder up, and wait until one of the boulders rolls across a branch and chuck it into the Left Canal. Repeat that one, only a different boulder will hit a different branch. If you did it right, a boulder will shoot off of a ramp and smack dab in the middle of the Lava Field.

Before you go there, however, you should go to the Canyon. There's a mine there, but more importantly a set of Banana Pickers leaning on a cactus. Grab them. Now go to the Beach and use the Banana Pickers on the Bananas in the tree. Give one to Timmy (no, really. Who?), and he'll follow you. Go back to the Canyon. Give Timmy (WHY? HOW?) another banana and enter the Mine. Once inside, keep walking until you hit a door. Open the lower vent, then toss a banana in. Close the vent, then use a Banana with the Portal. Timmy (oh, for the love of Pete! Who?!) will open the door from the inside to give you access. Well, really to get the Banana, but the former makes him seem more loyal...even though I don't know who he is. Anyway, enter and use the Banana Pickers to get the Weed Whipper from the machinery. Now, head to the Lava Field.

Once you get there, the monkey will chuck the Milk Bottle that you seek to a distant rock in the Lava. Crap. Enter the Church of LeChuck and walk forward across the bridge to be greeted by a ghost priest, Father Allegro Rasputin. Talk to him about the river of lava running through the church and he'll tell you that it's for weddings. Weird. Convince him to let you take the hot plunge, and you will. Hehe. Once the cutscene ends, you have semi control over the log. Your objective is to break out the Banana Pickers and steer the log around, hitting the other logs that are blocking the different paths. You need to hit them in a certain order so that you pass close enough to the Milk Bottle to snag it with the Banana Pickers. After you pass that rock, steer downward and to the right to hit the boulder and get deflected into the pool of lava. This is where that giant side quest thingy comes in handy. Use the Weed Whipper with the weeds, and Guybrush will take them out and lower the lava level. Now, if you haven't gotten the bottle yet, you have an advantage. The log will go around the boulder and allow you to have infinite tries at getting the bottle. Before you can do that, head left and then kick the Palm Tree to get a bridge to the other side of the lava. If you have the Milk Bottle you can continue, if not then just keep trying!

Now head back to Herman and whack him with the Milk Bottle. He remembers more, but nothing before he landed on Monkey Island. He does remember being washed up beside an Accordion, though.

 To get the Accordion is fairly easy. Especially if you grabbed the Banana Pickers earlier while looking for the Milk Bottle. You need to go to the Church of LeChuck and use the Banana Pickers with the Shields right above the door. Once you have them, head to Monkey Town. Walk up to the hut with the Musically Inclined Monkey. Look at him, then use the Shields. The Monkey will drop the Accordion and grab the Shields. Pick the Accordion up and then head to the Campsite slug Herman with it. He remembers everything, and you get a shocking well as the Mêlée IslandTM Gubernatorial Symbol. That's a hint.

The Bigger Ultimate Insult

Getting The Bronze Hat 

Go to Monkey Town and talk to the monkey sitting around wearing a Bronze Hat. Talk to him, and he reveals that he is Jojo Jr. the Monkey Prince of Monkey Island. To get the hat, you need to defeat him in Monkey Kombat. First, though, you need to run around and fight other monkeys first to gain some Kombat experience.

Basically, you need to challenge various monkeys to Kombat. Your challenger will use a combination of three commands (Ack, Oop, Eek, and Chee) to swap between stances (Anxious Ape, Bobbing Baboon, Charging Chimp, Drunken Monkey, and Gimpy Gibbon). Each stance can defeat two other stances, and your goal is to learn the various commands to swap between stances as well as which is victorious over the others. You can try and lead the monkey to swap to a stance you know you need, but since there's more than one way to overcome a stance there's no guarantee that this will work. Just keep swapping to stances you know can win to achieve victory. If you swap to the same stance as your opponent, you will cause a draw and gain a couple health points back. After a draw, you both swap to random stances, so this can possibly be a way to learn some conversions.

Each time you win, you'll gain some extra bananas on your health meter. Keep gaining victories until you have two or three red bananas at the end of the health bar (and Guybrush announces he can probably take on the Monkey Prince). This will give you enough stamina to take on Jojo Jr, and you should have most, if not all, of the conversions by that point. To win against Jojo, just concentrate on attacking. Once you both get very low on health, Jojo Jr. will cause a draw and recover a tick of his health. But this still leaves him with less overall health than you, so stay on the offensive and you'll easily win the match.

Unfortunately, all the conversions and what beats what is random per game, so I can't just list them for you. If you're having trouble tracking things, you can take a look as this chart. It's what I sketch up every time I play this, so it might be useful for you as well.

 After you win the Bronze Hat, you have but one more step. Go to the Giant Monkey Head. Use the Bronze Hat with the Giant Head, then use the Banana Pickers with the Giant Monkey Nose. After the head opens up, enter. Find the Prominent Slot to the left of the main console and use the Gubernatorial Symbol with it. I will forever be amused by the ensuing 2001 parady. At any rate, enjoy the scene.

Back to Part II! On to Act III+!