Part Three: Under Monkey IslandTM
"What pants?"
After listening to Herman Toothrot talk to you, click somewhere to get up and put your flaming pants out. You can read the note on the tree, but you must pick up the banana from the ground. Your main objective at this point is to get the oars for that rowboat. So, into the jungle!
Getting the Rowboat
Head north onto the next screen. Now, go off the left hand side of the screen. There should be a volcano in view (see the map of the island). On the northern part of the rim is some foliage. Click on that and your pixel stack will walk to it, and enter Herman Toothrot's Fort. Pick up the first Rope piece and the Spy Glass. Now push the cannon, and it'll spill. Herman will enter and talk for a little. Talk about whatever you can before he stops, then pick up the spilt Gunpowder and the Cannonball. Exit to the overview.
Walk off the right hand side, then go to the river fork. Look at the "note under rock" and you'll get both note and rock. When you look at the Noteworthy Rock, you note by its conchoidal fractures that it is a piece of flint. Before you get destructive, walk to the footholds on the upper part of the screen. Read the note laying near the structure, and ponder its meaning. Now push the art form twice, and climb up the footholds. Once at the top, push the rock that's on the upper part of the ledge, and it'll be catapulted into the banana tree. M. Toothrot arrives and talks some more, so indulge him.
Fun Break!!!
That's right, there's two more wacky things to do here. The first is to walk to the far right of the ledge, and the ground crumbles beneath you. A funny scene ensues. The second is to pull the catapult twice, head back up and pick a rock up from the pile to the right, then push it off. This sinks your ship! Sinking your ship changes a cut-scene later, and the ending!
Now, head back down the cliff to the very bottom. Use the handful of Gunpowder on the dam. Now use the Noteworthy Rock with the Cannonball. You're washed downstream aways 'ere you get back onto the shore line. Walk to the nearby pond, talk to Herman, then pick up the Rope near the hapless corpse.
Go downward to the next screen and walk to the large crack. Use a Rope with the Strong Branch near the edge of the canyon, then use the other Rope with the Sturdy Stump at the edge of this foothold. Once you climb down to the bottom just pick up the now conveniently placed Oars. Now climb back up and exit the screen, then head to the near-by beach.
Entering the Giant Monkey Head
Once on the beach, pick up the Bananas you knocked loose with that catapult earlier, and use the Oars with the rowboat. You need to row yourself to the northern most section of the island, and dock on the beach on the eastern section. There's another Memo on the beach, but nothing else of note. Enter the jungle/overview and walk to the village in the northwestern section.
The huts are all empty. Walk all the way to the left and pick up the Bananas in the fruit basket sitting near the large stone head. Walk back to the right and you'll be confronted by the Monkey IslandTM Cannibals. Any dialogue choice is fine, but saying "Look out behind you, it's a three headed monkey!" twice gets you a silly scene. The only choice that seems to get you anywhere is to offer to "give them anything" in exchange for you not becoming a snack. You can offer whatever you want, but you currently have nothing that will fit the bill. At this stage, the end result of any dialogue tree is ending up locked in a hut. Once in the hut you see Herman's lost Banana Pickers! But, alas, you can't leave with them, so just keep this in mind for later. Pick up the Skull on the floor, then follow suit with the Loose Plank that was underneath it. Exit through the new hole.
Note: if you keep coming back and getting thrown into the hut, the cannibals will use more elaborate means to keep the door shut. There's some pretty futuristic tech they seem to have access to...
After exiting the village, head back to the nearby beach and hop back in to your rowboat. Row around the peninsula and to the screen to the south. Park your boat on the first beach you come across. From there go into the jungle and walk toward the moving grey square simply titled "monkey" near the canyon. Give said monkey all of your Bananas. If you give it all five and then leave, the monkey will follow you!
Walk up, then right. Now go across the beach and into the clearing in the middle of the round forest area. Walk through the monkey grounds with your sapien pal in tow ("look at" the bodies for some extra flavor text) and pull on the nose of the totem pole beside the fence. Walk away and the monkey will jump up and grab the nose. Now walk to the Gigantic Monkey Head.
Find the Wimpy Little Idol and pick it up. Now head all the way back to the cannibal's village (this is why I had you park your boat on the nearby beach). After saying, "Please don't eat me! I'll give you anything!" again, give them the Wimpy Little Idol. They are now appeased, and in your debt. Head left and enter the hut in which you were previously imprisoned. Pick up the Banana Picker and then leave. Head right and you'll encounter Toothrot ranting funnily. Give him his Banana Picker in exchange for the key to the Great Monkey Head. Leave the village...
...and go right back in. The Monkey IslandTM Cannibals will great you, and ask if they can repay you. Say that they can, and pretty much choose any option from then on. Sounds like you need a Navigator Head to traverse the caverns to find the ship to get a magical Voodoo Root. To get the special navigator head, give them the Leaflet (which is titled "How to Get Ahead in Navigation"). Now, back to the Monkey Head!
Walk past the impaled bodies and to the Monkey Head. Use the key in the Gigantic Monkey Ear. Holy earwax-problem, Batman! Anywho, enter the newly opened mouth. Walk to the right (I figure there'd be mushrooms in Hell too) and into the cave. Use the Navigator Head, and it will spin around before pointing in the direction you need to go. If it continuously spins, that means it can't quite get a bearing and you'll have to take a few steps forward until it can sense the proper way forward. Just keep following its nose to froot loops the correct path until you reach the ghost ship.
In order to walk around on the ship, you need to be invisible to ghosts. To be invisible you need the Necklace on the navigator head. So, talk to the head. Use any greeting and ask to borrow the Necklace, then be mean until you threaten to drop kick the head into the lava. Congrats, the necklace is yours! Use said Necklace and enter the ship.
Recovering the Voodoo Anti-root
Head left and open the door. Use the compass with the Key on the wall, then leave. Now head right and go down the hatch. Walk straight through the cabin exit the door. Pick up the Ghost Feather by the chickens and return to the sleeping crew member. Use the Ghost Feather on him (his feet actually) twice and he'll drop his Mug 'o Grog. Return to the ghost chickens and pigs, and use the Key in the hatch.
After going through the hatch, use the grog on the dish. The ghost rat will drink the grog and pass out. With the path now clear, pick up some Grease from the nearby tub and return to the deck. Use the grease with the door on the right and open it, then enter. Pick up the ghost tools, and return to the area with the pigs and chickens. Use the tools on the glowing crate, then look inside.
Leaving Monkey IslandTM
Upon grabbing the Voodoo Root from the crate, make your way off the ghost ship and walk left to the cave to automatically return to the village and get the Magic Seltzer Bottle. Leave the village, and you automatically return to ship. Except the ship's not there!! Talk to the head-juggling spectre and ask where the ship is. Now, basically choose any option, and eventually say that you have to stop the wedding. One of two things will happen here. Either your crew will show up and you leave with them, or (if you sunk the ship) Herman Toothrot will arrive and you'll all leave on his ship. What? He can't leave on the ship unless he's rescued, cause he's stranded. Otherwise it would be against the rules. What? He's allowed to rescue you and Bob. Have you not read the bylaws?