Chapter 7
Have we done this before?
Dingy Hallway
There are two pictures hanging on the wall. Look at the one on the left and take note of the uniform details. It shows a baseball player by the unlikely name of K. Roelefs wearing a uniform with a snake on it, and a player number. The player number changes each time you play the game, so be sure to write it down along with the snake uniform tidbit. Move ahead into the next room.
Joe's Bar
Take a Look at the paper on the counter. It's a schedule for upcoming sportsball games, showing that the Hounds play at 1:30, the Serpents play at 3:45, and the Gargoyes finish the night up at 8:00. Interesting...but safe to say this will come in handy later. Open the door peaking out from behind the stairs and Move through.
Use the chain to turn on the light. Oh, fun, a wine cellar! Use the spigot's knob to release a flow of...water? Disappointing, but at least it cleans off the picture that was sitting beneath it. Look at the picture to see a player named C. Gaizat wearing a sportsball helmet bearing the image of a stone monster and a player number. Hiding among the wine bottles is a bit ol' wooden stick, Take that to get a Baseball Bat. Move back out of the room.
Joe's Bar
Move up the stairs.
Upstairs Hall
A stranger! Better Use the Baseball Bat on him. We don't want trouble, after all. Once he's down, Open the door and Move through.
Waiting Room
Take the Faded Coat, the Use it on Self and Wisp will shrink it down to fit you. This should allow us to blend in with the humans outside!
Look at the picture on the floor. It's another sportsballer named D. Marsh with a dog emblazoned upon his uniform and a player number. Take the Notepad sitting on the desk, then Use the button on the wall to unlock the door. Open the door and Move through.
Use the picture to move it to the side, revealing a hidden safe. Move to the safe to get closer to it.
Wall Safe
We need a six digit code...luckily we've come across six digits during our picture-hunting adventure. The paper on the counter in the bar area gives us the order we need to input the numbers. Hounds are up first, so enter D. Marsh's number from the Waiting Room picture. Next is K. Roelefs number from the Dingy Hallway. And finally C. Gaizat's number from the Cellar. These are different on each playthrough, so hopefully you've been writing these down. If not, just head back out and Look at all the pictures again. Once you have the code entered, Use the handle.
Take both the greenPortal Key and the slightly different green Money. Move back away from the safe.
If you've collected all the available items, some goons will be heard outside the door and you'll be warned by Wisp. Open the window and then Move outside.
Move down the fire escape ladder.
Open the manhole cover, then Move into the sewers.
Take the Wire Cutters on the ground. If you've played Chrono Trigger, you'll have learned not to mess with cans and cats in the sewer, so go ahead and ignore those and Move back to the surface.
Use the Wire Cutters on the fence, then Move through the hole.
Unfortunately, our fancy coat disguise just made us look like Ace Harding. We're kidnapped and dragged off by the goons who were after him.
Frozen Lake
If you Move in the wrong direction, you'll fall through the ice. Easiest way to make your way to shore is to Look at each of the cardinal directions on your Move Map. When you get the message "You can't see any cracks in the ice" then Move in that direction. Repeat this process six more times and you'll arrive at the Lake Shore.
Lake Shore
Del uses the Notepad to write down the Path Notes in case they come in handy later. Move forward.
You can Speak with Ace Harding if you wish, but ultimately you'll need to Move inside the museum before you.
Here we are in the lobby. Use your Money on the ticket stand. Since Del does not understand the United States economic system, he just shoves that whole wad of cash in rather than a single dollar. Not that it matters to us, since the money would be no good in Kal Torlin. Take the Ticket, then try to Move forward. A security guard will stop you, but you can just Use your Ticket on him to get past. Once you've proven your right to enter, Move forward.
Use the Portal Key in the familiar portal slot to power it up, then Move through to get home.
The Structure
Move to the left until you get to the Crossroads.
Move forward.
Desert Grave
Move forward.
Endless Expanse
An endless desert area, where you will die if you make the wrong Move. Luckily, we just wrote down a set of directions from a similar area! Look at the Path Notes to refresh your memory, then Move in the safe directions until you reach the Mountain Base.
Congratulations on reaching the seventh Chapter's end!